Space EDucation

As it says in my bio, my spark for science was ignited by spending time in nature, camping, hunting and fishing with my family.  I studied biological sciences and even spent a summer at Bamfield Marine Station where I fell irreparably in love with protecting the ocean and Earth's biological diversity.  In 2013 my spark for space exploration was ignited as Commander Chris Hadfield brought the universe into my classroom with his engaging Tweets of "Good Morning Earth".  As a science teacher, I have utilized the power of space exploration to be the driving force for solving problems and taking on challenges in my STEM classes.  How can we use our "spark" for space to develop technologies and solutions that will first benefit life here on Earth?  We focus on energy efficiency sustainability, resource optimization, agriculture, coding and robotics and so much more.

We followed David Saint Jaques's mission aboard the ISS and engaged in Let's Talk Science Living Space and had the opportunity to speak to David live from space, with host Dr Robert Thirsk.  Now we are preparing for Jeremy Hansen's Artemis II Mission and celebrating the first Canadian to orbit the moon!  With all of this incredible inspiration, it is my goal to get a maple leaf on the moon!