Ecole Champs Vallee School has been chosen by Lets Talk Science to be a part of a very special opportunity where we will get to talk to Canadian Space Agency Astronaut, David Saint-Jacques LIVE from the International Space Station the morning of April 17th, 2019 with CSA Astronaut Dr Robert Thirsk as our host.

Mme Green's classes have been working on a special project called Living Space where they have been coding microbits to monitor environmental conditions in the school (temperature, humidity and CO2) and then compare them to the data live on the ISS. SO COOL! We enjoyed this project and even followed up collecting information for our action plan to see if the data was different in classrooms with plants vs without and there was! Because we embraced this project Lets Talk Science is generously sharing their downlink spot with us so that we can showcase their project, our community, and what we are learning here at ECVS.

Live International Space Station Downlink with CSA AStronaut David Saint-Jacques

Media Coverage of the event


Mr Ryerson's Assesment - see it in full HERE