apega innovation in education

2019/20 - Launch into Hydroponics!

APEGA Innovation in education

We propose to use the engineering design process and design thinking methodology to have our students design, build and test various hydroponic growth systems with the potential for maximizing food production and improving efficiency of energy resources for a space colony. This will, in turn, bring appreciation to the resources we are using here on Earth. We hope to connect these ideas to those of the past through cross-curricular work - for example, comparing more modern systems with those of Aztecs, researching the development of agriculture and its effect on societies.

We have added a component of community involvement where we will bring in local special-interest groups and have our students design hydroponic gardens to suit their needs. The best designs will be built and installed in their locations providing an opportunity for gardening indoors all year long.

In addition, we will be helping our students connect with our indigenous history by learning how early people provided for themselves and how they use signs from the Earth to determine air and water quality. Teaching students where we have come from as a society will help propel us forward.


Results 2020!

Application Video #2MartianTeachers

Blooper Reel - (We have a lot of fun too!)

2018/2019 - Energy Efficient Space Gardens

Mars, Moon and Micro::bits!

Junior high school students will be exploring the geoscience of farming in Martian and lunar soil, and developing automated sensor and response systems through coding Micro:bit computers to create monitoring, watering, and light plant care systems.

See more about it here!

Teacher resources (Eng & French) HERE