STEM Careers & guests

Bringing in experts & making CTF connections:

As educators we always keep in mind the societal value of a project like this and what we can do to show the real-world applications as well as the benefit of having experts come and share their knowledge. We have in the past, and hope to again, Skyped with CSA astronauts like Chris Hadfield and Jeremy Hansen and are proud of our countries accomplishments in the space sciences. We invite guest speakers, embrace new technologies, and learn about modern innovations.

We view STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) education as an integral part of teaching our students the connections between what they are learning in the basic curriculum to the careers and technologies being developed.

Ross Lockwood

We have been fortunate to have Ross Lockwood come and speak to our classes about his journey and kick off our space-themed projects. He is a scientist at the University of Alberta, astronaut enthusiast/hopeful, and has even been a part of experiments at a simulated Martian station called Hi-Seas. He was such an inspiration to our students and our project and really brought the concepts we are studying to life.

Morgan Irons

Astro-Ecologist & Soil Scientist and PhD Student at Cornell University.

Founder and CEO of Deep Space Ecology

Abby Lacson

University of Alberta Engineering student sharing her passion for space, astronaut ambitions, and team-building skills.

Todd Giles

Local fireman - IR Camera and heat technology

Isaac Emery

Isaac is an Independent entrepreneur and scientist who I works with food companies and other consulting firms to help them define and measure "sustainability" -

Formerly the Senior Environmental Scientist - The Good Food Company

Matt Bamsey

Eden ISS Project