Grade 9 Micro:bit

Circuit Diagrams and Automated Systems

Microbits Electricity and Circuits

This lesson inludes: Microbit introduction, basic circuits, electrical conductors, circuit diagrams, cardboard circuits, energy transformations, and other projects.


These slides are full of ready-made coding cards with photos of the system set-ups.  Feel free to make them your own and spice it up!

How to use Micro:bits to teach electricity and circuits with this slide deck full of resources. There are also other ideas below.  

Energy Efficient Automated Systems for life on Earth and Mars

These sample systems were designed for a space exploration project that utilizes automation for optimizing energy efficiency to help with life on Earth while exploring beyond!  

The latest version "Guided By The Sun" takes inspiration from traditional ecological knowledge and Indigenous Ways of Knowing in STEM.

Environmental Chemistry -  Let's Talk Science Living Space

Environmental monitoring based on Let's Talk Science Living Space initiative with the Canadian Space Agency where students code a Micro;bit sensor array to compare conditions (temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide) in their community to those aboard the International Space Station.  Then they create an action plan to modify conditions and compare data before and after.

3D print your own stand for your sensor array stand here!

Environmental monitoring and biofuel

Micro;bit COZIR sensor can measure carbon dioxide levels produced by a variety of fuel sources (bio-fuel, ethanol) to produce quantifiable data of their emissions to determine the viability of each source.

The bio-fuel kits are available through Lab-Aids

Coding the with  MonkMakes

Using Bitty Software you can graph your data on your iPads.  See BBC Micro;bits data collection resources as well.