Grade 2 Micro:bit Science

Topic C: Magnets!

2.8.1 Identify where magnets are used in the environment and why they are used.

2.8.2 Distinguish materials that are attracted by a magnet from those that are not.

2.8.3 Recognize that magnets attract materials with iron or steel in them; and given a variety of metallic and nonmetallic objects, predict those that will be attracted by a magnet.

2.8.6 Demonstrate that most materials are transparent to the effects of a magnet. A magnetic field will pass through such materials, whereas other materials interact with a magnet.

This program is simple but fun. Students will use the Micro:bit's internal compass to detect magnetic fields.

The code

Which materials have a magnetic field?

What happens if you put something in front of the magnet?


Put it near a magnet and the X shows up!

Topic D: Hot and Cold Temperature

2.9.2 Measure temperature in degrees Celsius (°C).

This is a fun and simple code to measure temperature. You can demonstrate why having a PAUSE and CLEAR SCREEN block makes it work better. Put the Micro:bit in a freezer or take it outside and see how it will also show negative temperatures.

Light House Project: 2.1.3

Students will construct a functioning lighthouse, coding both the light and the fog horn.

  1. What are the cultural characteristics of the communities (e.g., special symbols, landmarks, languages spoken, shared stories or traditions, monuments, schools, churches)?

Lesson courtesy of Graham Hastings. @ Hastklass

Counting Forward and Backward by a number

2s, 5s and 10s, forward and backward, using starting points that are multiples of 2, 5 and 10 respectively .

You need to use the red variable section to create a variable called "counter"

Repeating Patterns

This could be any icon pattern.

Increasing and decreasing patterns

Students can create an increasing (or decreasing) pattern. Have them write down the number of blocks and how their pattern increases.