May 8, 2022

CES would like to wish all moms a very Happy Mother's Day. We hope your family spoils you!

Grade Four Teacher's Pet In-School Field Trip

On Friday, May 6, Teacher's Pet came into the school to teach the grade four class about plant growth and changes. Thank you to the parents that were able to come in and help with this project. It was a great opportunity for some wonderful hands- on learning!

Staff Appreciation Lunch

The staff would like to thank the PTA for the wonderful lunch they prepared for the staff on Wednesday, May 4. Also, thank you for supervising the students so the staff was able to enjoy the lunch together.

The Fund-ometer is rising!!!!

Thank you to everyone that supported the last two PTA fundraisers and the hot lunch program. Our fund-ometer is rising by $4848. The potato fundraiser profited $1900, the choco-licious fundraiser raised $1548 and our last hot lunch cycle brought in $1400.

All of this helps us to get closer to adding new and exciting pieces to the playground, so thank you very much!

Community Resources

CYF Caregiver Education Newsletter - May 2022.pdf