November 1, 2020

Virtual Conferences ~

Just a reminder that our first interviews for the year will be taking place this week. Interviews are a great way to be able to work with your child's teacher to support and enhance your child's learning.

If you have not already done so, please go onto the link to see your child's teacher's availability. . The instructions to create an account and schedule an interview are below.

After you schedule a time, the teacher will send you an email with a google meet invitation. At the scheduled time, simple click on the google meet invitation and join the meeting.


Important COVID Guideline Changes

New guidelines and a check list were released and will be effective November 2, 2020. Please see a handy summary chart below, followed by the under 18 checklist.

COVID 19 Daily Checklist


How to Find Out Your COVID-19 Test Results

Access your Children’s Test Results on MyHealth Records - As of October 1, 2020

Parents can now access their children’s COVID-19 test results in addition to their own results by signing up for your MyHealth Records account, at

  1. Parents: you will need to provide your child’s personal health number and test date to access your child’s COVID-19 test results (within the last 30 days).

  2. Children’s test results will also be accessible as a printable PDF.

This new feature allows parents and guardians to securely receive their child’s COVID-19 test results and print off the results for those who need them.

New Staff

We would like to welcome some new staff to our CES family. In the past few weeks we have had additions to 2 of our classes and to our office.

Cindy Sparkes - EA in 1M & Pre-K

Amanda Miller - EA in 4R & Pre-K

Brittany Wright - Secretary Monday -Thursday in the office.

CES School Council Establishment Meeting ~

Thank you to everyone that was able to make it out to the CES School Council Establishment Meeting. The meeting was very productive and informative. Participants learned about the advisory role the School Council has in the school and school community.

I would like to welcome the School Council Executive.

Chairperson - Cheryl teRietstap

Vice Chair - Krista Gardner

Secretary - Crystal Matheson.

Thank you to these three ladies for generously accepting a role on the council.

All parents of children attending the school are members of the school council and are welcome to join any or all of the school council meetings. The next meeting will be held virtually so you would be able to join from the comfort of your home.

Stay tuned for the date and a link to the meeting.

Student Drop Off

This past week we have had a few incidents where students were getting out of their vehicle and ran between other vehicles that were in the line to go to the drop off circle. We would hate to see anyone get hit. Therefore we are asking that you please have your child wait in your vehicle until you get to the keyhole at the end of the school lane before getting out of your vehicle.

If everyone refrains from parking in and around the curb of the keyhole and only uses the keyhole as a "kiss and go" drop off, then the line should move quickly and smoothly and the students should be getting to the sidewalks safely. If you want to park and walk your child to their class line then please park on the road and walk them into the school grounds.

Thank you for your cooperation with this matter.

All classes will have their pictures taken on Monday, November. 9.

The Tues/Thurs Kindergarten children and any absent students will have their picture taken on Tuesday, November 10.

Halloween Parade Video

It is sad that we were unable to invite parents in to the school to watch the Halloween Parade this year. We do appreciate your understanding in this matter, as difficult as it is.

In an attempt to keep you connected and let you see all of the wonderful costumes the students and staff wore, here is a video of the parade. (Sorry but this video will not be winning any cinematography awards!)

CYF Caregiver Education Sessions ~

CYF Caregiver Education Newsletter - November 2020.pdf