May Poll Question REsults

In this page, you will find any and all old polls and forms that were filled out last month. All of them are made with love from your Scroll writers. 

What can i find in the "poll results" section?

What are polls? What is the definition?

Polls are interactive, question-based, or for-fun ways of gathering information. They can cover a wide range of information and gather information from large groups of people.

What are polls significance to journalism?

Polls are significant in journalism because they're a great way to gather information from a large group of people, and can be done anonymously. It's also a quick way to put information into a numerical value and make statistics.

Where are the results put?

Right here! Every month, if the poll gets more than five responses, the poll creator will give you tables, numbers and opinions on the results GPHS gave them. Make sure to check out this months new polls as well!