Student Support Services

Student Supports and Interventions

Granby High School teachers are committed to the belief that all students can learn.  To reach this goal all students need access to highly qualified teachers who utilize best instructional practices within their classroom and provide students additional supports when they are needed.

 When students continue to struggle in the classroom the classroom teacher contacts the Student Intervention Team which makes recommendations to the teacher, student and parents for increased support within and beyond the classroom.  The following supports include, but are not limited to the following:


 If a student, his/her parent, or a classroom teacher is concerned about the student’s progress in a course, they should contact their guidance counselor.

Academic Center

The Academic Center will support students who are struggling with meeting academic success and have demonstrated organizational weaknesses that negatively impact their ability to meet classroom expectations of timely work completion and / or have not implemented effective study strategies, resulting in poor grade performance.  Research suggests that good instruction in targeted areas such as effective listening, time management, note-taking, goal setting, etc., within the context of school subjects, can positively impact student performance.  Students will be identified for participation in this daily class through the school-wide Student Intervention Team referral process.

Identified students will work with teachers to set achievable learning goals that will improve classroom performance.  Students will be identified and placed at the beginning of each quarter.  Those students who have set and achieved their individualized learning goals can and will be dismissed into an SDA at any time in a quarter.  New students cannot enroll until the beginning of a quarter. Enrollment is through the referral process only.

Teacher Responsibilities:

Study Hall Periods

Study Hall's are for quiet, focused study. During a study hall students may need to see a teacher, report to one of the Learning Centers or go to the Library Media Center (LMC). Please adhere to the following rules for students in study hall:

Teacher Conference with Student and/or Parents

Teachers are available before and after school to discuss individual student problems, such as academic performance, tardiness, or class disturbance in an attempt to resolve the problem with a minimum of intervention.  If a problem continues, a teacher may call the student's parents or guardian to arrange a student/parent conference.  Students need to check with the individual teacher to ascertain the most convenient time for the extra help time.