Field Trips

Field Trips

Field trips provide students with an educational experience not available to them in the classroom setting. Teachers are encouraged to provide students with trips of significant educational value that are closely related to the instructional program. On all student trips, primary consideration shall be given to the students' safety, proper adult supervision, care of school property and vehicles, and the reasonable protection of the town against claims.

    1. Each student must have parental permission to participate in a field trip. Permission forms are available at the office or are distributed by the teacher in charge of the trip.

    2. An explanation of the purpose of the trip and specific instructions regarding things to observe or remember will be provided.

    3. All students should be reminded that all school rules are in effect during the trip.

    4. All field trips are approved by the administration before being offered to the student body.

    5. The teacher and students will conduct an evaluation of the trip.

    6. Students choosing not to attend field trips are expected to attend their regularly scheduled classes.