Guidance Services

Age of Majority

The school recognizes the rights and privileges extended to students at the age of eighteen. It also recognizes, however, that the law imposes many corresponding duties.

  1. When a student, eighteen years of age or older, elects to continue his/her education, he/she must abide by the rules and regulations of the school. School regulations apply to all students regardless of age.

  2. The school system recognizes its responsibility to the parent regardless of the age of the student in its charge. All contacts shall continue to be maintained with the home. All actions requiring parental approval shall continue to be required.

  3. With reference to student records, the permission or consent required of and the rights accorded to the parent shall be required of and accorded to the student. However, it is recognized that parents of high school students have a continuing vested interest in their children's education and welfare, regardless of the student's age. Allowance is made for the parent of an adult student to continue the rights and privileges of access to student records unless the student can verify that he/she is financially independent of his/her parents.

  4. Any student at or above the age of majority who, independent of parents or guardian, takes up residence in the Town of Granby and enrolls in the Granby School System is required to submit a notarized statement of residence certifying that he/she is indeed in residence within the Granby school district. Said certificate is to be attested to by the owner, renter, or lessee of the property wherein the student resides. Such certificate must be completed and submitted to the principal at the time of registration in addition to any other requested documentation of residence.

Guidance Services

Guidance services are available for all students. Counselors assist students in making decisions about course selections, occupational planning, college choices, and personal adjustment. The Guidance Department provides up-to-date information about careers, colleges, technical and vocational schools, College Board examinations, scholarships, financial aid, military service, and personal/social adjustments. Students wishing to talk to a counselor may make an appointment with the guidance secretary in the Guidance Office.

Career Information

The Guidance Office can provide a wide variety of books and materials regarding career information. As sophomores, students are also introduced to Naviance, a web-based, post-high school planning tool, that allows students to explore their interests, aptitudes, and career and college pathways. There are also many parent nights and school programs to assist in the career and post-high school planning process, and these will be announced throughout the year.

Interest Inventory

All sophomores will take a personality assessment through their 10th grade Wellness courses. This is a component of Naviance, which is used by all sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Information from this assessment can be helpful to students in making career decisions.

College and Financial Aid Information Nights

Senior college planning (fall), junior college planning (spring), and financial aid meetings (December) are held to assist parents and students who are planning to further their education.


The Guidance Department provides information and applications for a variety of national testing programs. For students planning further education, materials are available on the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (P.S.A.T.), the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), and the SAT Subject Tests. Dates of these tests are announced in the school and noted in the Principal’s Newsletter. Information regarding the Advanced Placement Tests (AP) is also available. Seventeen (17) AP courses are presently offered in the following areas:

Art - 2-D Art, 3-D Art

English – Language and Literature

Math – Calculus and Statistics

MusicMusic Theory

ScienceBiology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics

Social Studies – Psychology, US Comp Government & Politics, US History, European History

World Language - French, Spanish

Some AP courses may not run each year due to enrollment.


Any student wishing to have academic records sent to an employer, school, or college may send a letter to the Guidance Office requesting this information. Necessary credentials will be sent directly to the employer or school. Please allow three (3) weeks for processing.

Summer School

A student may obtain credit by attending an accredited summer school and by successfully completing a course previously failed. Credit will only be awarded if the summer school immediately follows the school year in which the course was failed. Exception to this regulation is only granted under extenuating circumstances. Please contact the guidance department for details.

When a student fails a course, he/she will be allowed to attend a review (morning) course in summer school provided that the student has earned a minimum of a 50 percent final average. If a student receives a 49 percent or lower, he/she has the option to repeat the course or attend an approved full credit (full-day) summer school course. The original course grade from GMHS and the final summer school grade will be reported separately on the student’s transcript. Both grades will be included in the GPA calculation. All summer school courses must have prior approval by the student's guidance counselor.

Students who take summer school for enrichment purposes will also be awarded credit based upon the summer program's guidelines for credit. Enrichment courses are not included in GPA calculation. These programs/courses must be approved by the student's guidance counselor prior to enrollment in the course. Credit cannot be awarded if prior approval is not obtained.

Students who obtain employment from the ages of 16 to 17 must have "Working Papers." A "Promise of Employment for Working Papers" form is required from the employer before working papers can be issued. No working papers can be issued without this form. The Guidance Office completes working papers Monday through Friday during school hours. Working papers outside the State of Connecticut must be obtained from the Town Hall of the employer's community. Students must appear in person. Individuals who do not attend Granby Public Schools must provide proof of age with a birth certificate or driver’s license.

Program of Studies Handbook

A Program of Studies Handbook is provided for all students and parents which lists general information, course descriptions, and sample plans of study to aid in developing a four-year plan. Questions on course offerings or programs of study should be directed to the Guidance Office and/or department teachers. The Program of Students Handbook is located on the High School Website, in the middle section.

Student Schedule Change Procedures

All student schedule changes must be processed by the guidance office. Schedule changes will be considered after the student completes the following:

      • Student initiates discussion with teacher and parents/guardians

      • Student seeks approval of counselor for change

      • Completion of a withdrawal form

      • Teacher notification of change

A student may withdraw from a course without a grade appearing on the transcript until one (1) week prior to the distribution of the first grade report of the course, providing that the student maintains the requirement of a full-time student. After this date, withdrawal from a course will result in a "WP" or "WF" (see explanation above) on the transcript. Students will not receive credit for courses dropped. Students may not withdraw from a course any time after the midpoint of the course. Extenuating circumstances will be discussed in a conference with the student, parent, teacher, guidance counselor, and an administrator.

Withdrawal from School

Students who withdraw during the school year should contact the guidance secretary to obtain a Withdrawal Form. The form must be completed with all required signatures and returned to a guidance secretary before the student's transcript and records can be released. Transcripts and records will not be released for transfer to other schools or employment until all school materials, equipment, and fee accountabilities have been met.

Student Records: Confidentiality - BOE Policy 5125.1

The Board of Education recognizes the legal requirement to maintain the confidentiality of student records. The procedures for the confidentiality of student records shall be consistent with federal statutes, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and its implementing regulations, and the Connecticut General Statutes.

The Board also recognizes its responsibility under C.G.S. 11-8a and 11-8b to ensure the orderly retention and disposition of the district's student records.

The Superintendent of Schools shall be responsible for ensuring that all requirements under federal and state statutes and regulations are carried out by the district.

Annual Notification

At the beginning of each school year, the district shall publish in a local newspaper a notice to parent(s) or guardian(s) and students 18 years of age or older ("eligible students") currently in attendance of their rights under FERPA and this policy. The district shall also send home a bulletin listing these rights which will also be included with a packet of material provided parents or an eligible student when the student enrolls during the school year.

The notice must include a statement that the parent or eligible student has a right to:

    1. Inspect and review the student's education records within forty-five(45) calendar days of the day the school officials receive a request for access to the records;

    2. A specification of the intent of the school district to limit the disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in a student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent:

a. by prior written consent of the student's parent(s) or guardian(s) or the eligible student;

b. as directory information;

c. to school officials with legitimate educational interests;

d. to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll, or

e. under certain limited circumstances, as permitted by FERPA.

3. request that records be amended to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student's privacy or other rights;

4. file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education alleging failure of the district to comply with FERPA and its regulations; and

5. obtain copies of this policy and the locations where copies may be obtained.

The policy applicable to the release of student directory information applies equally to military recruiters, the media, colleges and universities, and prospective employers.

The district shall arrange to provide translations of this notice to non-English speaking parents in their native language.

Student Records: Directory Information

The district will provide notice to parents of the types of information designated as directory information and of their right to refuse to permit disclosure of any or all such information as to their child. The following types of information contained in the education record of an enrolled student are hereby designated as directory information and may be disclosed by school officials without the prior consent of a parent or eligible student:

    • The student's name, address, telephone listing

    • The student's photograph

    • The student's place and date of birth

    • The student's date of attendance

    • The student's grade level, major field of study, and enrollment status

    • The student's participation in officially recognized activities and sports

    • The student's weight and height as a member of an athletic team

    • Honors and awards received by the student

    • The student's e-mail address

Student records and notices to students and parents including electronic recordings of student assemblies, plays, award ceremonies and the like are considered directory information and subject to disclosure.

A parent or eligible student may refuse to allow Granby school officials to release any or all of the above listed types of information as directory information.

School Counseling Office Website

College Career Center Website