Health Services

Health Services

The High School Clinic is open from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. during the school week.  The clinic webpage is titled “Health Clinic” and can be located within the high school website under the larger heading of “Departments”.  Announcements, downloadable forms and information about the clinic are available on the webpage.  


The Granby Board of Education, as mandated by Connecticut Law, requires that all students who are entering Granby Public Schools be immunized against Polio, Rubeola (measles), Rubella (German Measles), Mumps, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepatitis B, Meningococcal and Varicella (chickenpox).  A record of these immunizations must be presented to the school nurse on or before registration of any student before he/she will be permitted to attend school.

Physical Examinations

School health legislation requires a complete health physical to be conducted and recorded on a State of Connecticut Health Assessment Record (HAR Form) for all 10th grade students and presented to the school nurse prior to the start the student’s 11th grade year.  Students will not be permitted to enter Grade 11 without first presenting a completed HAR form to the school nurse.  Students transferring into the school must present complete health information to the school at the time of registering and may not attend until all health data is approved. In compliance with state legislation, a physical examination can be paid for by the Board of Education for students participating in the free milk program.  Requests for financial assistance should be directed to the Business Manager at 860-844-5253.


Vision Screening will be conducted for all 9th grade students on the same day as Picture Day at the beginning of each school year.  Scoliosis Screening will be conducted on all 9th grade students at approximately the start of the 3rd quarter.  These are screenings. Parents of any student who is found to be outside the acceptable screening norms will receive a written referral letter following the screening.  

Yearly Health Information Form (YHIF)

YHIF are available on ZippSlip for parent completion. The information on the YHIF form is important health and contact information to be shared with the office and school nurse so that students can be cared for during illness or injury while at school.   Parents are expected to update this information with the school nurse if any information provided changes throughout the school year.  A new Yearly Health Information Form must be completed each year. 


If a student becomes ill while at school, s/he must report to the school nurse for evaluation.  The school nurse will evaluate the student and make a determination if the student should be dismissed from school.  Parents will be notified of the dismissal and are expected to provide transportation immediately.  The school nurse or members of the professional staff may contact a physician or the 911 emergency services as deemed necessary.  

Communicable Diseases

Parents should report all cases of communicable diseases to the school nurse.  Students with a condition which within the school setting may expose others to disease or contagious and infectious conditions may be excluded from school and referred for medical diagnosis and treatment. A few examples include; fever, diarrhea, strep throat/upper respiratory illnesses, chickenpox, impetigo, conjunctivitis.  Additional information and resources including specific school policies for return to school may be obtained by contacting your school nurse or your medical provider. 


All accidents that occur at school or in route to or from school should be reported to the clinic or office immediately.  First aid for minor injuries is administered by the nurse, or authorized school personnel.  Emergency Medical Services (911) will be called for any serious injury or as deemed necessary by school personnel.  School personnel are not authorized to treat or evaluate injuries which have occurred outside of school.  

Medication at School

In compliance with state law, students are not allowed to possess medication at school unless properly authorized to do so by a health care provider and the school nurse.  Included in this rule is all over the counter medication such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen and cough medicines, as well as prescription drugs, such as inhalers, Epi Pens, antibiotics and eye drops.  If it is necessary for a student to take medication at school, parents should make the following arrangements:

Students with Asthma 

Students with a diagnosis of asthma will need an Asthma Action Plan completed and signed by the prescribing medical practitioner on a yearly basis.  This action plan will assist school personnel to properly meet a child's specific needs for treating their asthma symptoms.  The plan will be used by the school nurse and school personnel in the absence of the nurse, as is the case on field trips and during after school activities.  The action plan functions as the Medication Authorization Form for any student to receive or carry medication at school.  The Asthma Action Plan can be obtained from the school nurse or downloaded from the HS Clinic’s webpage.  

Students authorized to carry their own inhalers are responsible for bringing their inhaler when going on any field trip or for after school activities such as clubs and athletics.  

Students with Severe Allergies

Students authorized to carry their own inhaler or Epi-Pen are responsible for carrying their inhaler or Epi- Pen on their person at all times while in school and after school for clubs or sports.  Students will not be allowed to leave on a field trip without having their inhaler or  Epi-Pen with them.   

Student Health Records

A record of student immunizations, physical examinations, and other pertinent medical information is maintained at the school health office until graduation at which time they are transferred to the guidance department for archiving.  In the case of a student transferring to another CT Public School District, the original student health record will be forwarded by the school nurse to the new school.  

Student Insurance

Student insurance is optional.  Both school and 24-hour policies are available.  Brochures describing the student insurance program are distributed to the students during homeroom at the start of the school year.  Parents are urged to read the brochure to acquaint them with the offered coverage.