Personal Property

Personal Property

Board of Education Policy 5131.81


Electronic Devices

Use of Private Technology Devices by Students

Students may possess privately owned technological devices on school property and/or during school sponsored activities, in accordance with the mandates of this policy and any applicable administrative regulations as may be developed by the Superintendent of Schools. The Granby Board of Education ("Board") considers allowing students to bring to school such devices to be a privilege and not a right. The Board reserves the right to revoke this privilege if a student fails to adhere to the following guidelines and/or the Board's acceptable use and student discipline policies.


Board Technology Resources

For the purposes of this policy, "Board Technology Resources" refers to the Board's computers and instructional technologies? communications and data management systems? informational technologies and the Internet? and any other technology resources used by the school district and accessible by students.

Privately Owned Technological Devices

For the purposes of this policy, "Privately Owned Technological Devices" refers to privately owned wireless and/or portable electronic hand­held equipment that can be used for word processing, wireless Internet access, image capture and recording, sound recording, information transmitting and/or receiving, storing, etc. These devices may include, but are not limited to, personal laptops, Smartphones, network access devices, E-Readers/Tablets, cellular telephones, radios, CD players and walkie-talkies, Blackberries, personal data assistants, and other electronic signaling devices.

Use of Privately Owned Technological Devices

Privately owned technological devices may not be used during instructional time, except as specifically permitted by instructional staff.

Use of any such device for an improper purpose is prohibited. Improper purposes include, but are not limited to:

    • Sending any form of harassing, threatening, or intimidating message, at any time, to any person (such communications may also be a crime)?

    • Gaining or seeking to gain unauthorized access to Board technology resources?

    • Damaging Board technology resources?

    • Accessing or attempting to access any material that is obscene or contains pornography?

    • Cyberbullying?

    • Taking pictures without the specific permission of the subject of the picture?

    • Sharing (including electronic posting of the picture or video without the specific permission of the subject of the picture or video;

    • Using a privately owned technological device to violate any school rules, including the unauthorized recording (photographic or audio) of another individual without the permission of the individual or a school staff member? or

    • Taking any action prohibited by any Federal or State law.

Search of Privately Owned Technological Devices

A student's privately owned technological device may be searched if there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the search will turn up evidence that the student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of the school. Any such search shall be reasonably related to the objectives of the search and not excessively intrusive in light of the age and sex of the student and the nature of the infraction.

Responsibility for Privately Owned Technological Devices

Students are responsible for the safety and use of their privately owned technological devices. If a privately owned technological device is stolen, lost, or damaged, a report should be made to the building principal, who will investigate the loss in a manner consistent with procedures for stolen or damaged personal property. Students and parents should be aware that the Board is not liable for any privately owned technological device that is stolen, lost, or damaged while at school. Furthermore, the Board shall not be liable for any data plan charges or any other costs associated with the use of private technological devices. For that reason, students are advised not to share or loan their privately owned technological devices with other students.

Students shall take full responsibility for their device and shall keep it safely stored when not in use. Classroom teachers will determine the best storage location for such devices. Students are required to take home their privately owned technological devices at the end of each school day.

Disciplinary Action

Misuse of the Board's technology resources and/or the use of privately owned technological devices to access or utilize the Board's technology resources in an inappropriate manner or in a manner inconsistent with this policy will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action. For students, a violation of this policy may result in loss of access privileges, a prohibition on the use and/or possession of privately owned technological devices on school property, and/or suspension or expulsion in accordance with the Board's policies related to student discipline.