Dress Code

Purpose and Goal:  The purpose of the GMHS dress code is to help promote a safe, supportive and respectful environment for all members of the school community.   Our dress code promotes student choice, diversity and individuality in dressing comfortably for school, while clarifying reasonable norms for the business of school in an academic setting. The dress code supports equitable educational access and should not reinforce stereotypes or discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, household income, gender identity or cultural observance.  

Responsibilities: The responsibility for appropriate attire rests primarily with the student and his or her parents or guardians.

•         Students:  All students are responsible for complying with the Dress Code while on school premises, during school hours and at school activities.

•         Parents: Parents or guardians are responsible for ensuring student compliance with the Dress Code.

•         Staff: To equitably enforce the Dress Code, teachers, administrators and all school staff will be trained at the beginning of the school year to understand its  purpose, goals and parameters, and how to consistently enforce it with minimal impact on student learning and self-confidence. Staff should be guided by  the Dress Code and follow the letter and spirit of the policy guidelines.

Student Dress Code: All clothing should be worn in a way that supports the Dress Code Purpose and Goals, and must allow students to safely walk, sit, bend, ascend and descend stairs without exposure. Clothes must be worn in a way such that buttocks and breasts are covered; while not exposing the mid to lower back, midriff, breasts/chest.  

1.       Students MUST wear:

a.       Shirt

b.       Bottom: pants, sweatpants, leggings, shorts, skirt, or dress should cover the areas from the waist of the pants/bottom of shirt-line down to the fingertip length of the legs (approximately mid-thigh) while sitting, standing and bending.

c.       Shoes: activity specific shoes required. Particular departments may specify footwear parameters as it relates to safety (ex. technology, science, family and consumer sciences and outdoor activities).

d.       Certain courses, field trips, venues, and/or special events that include attire as part of the curriculum (for example for public speaking or job-readiness) may assign specific attire within the parameters of the Student Dress Code. Class picnics, field trips, award ceremonies, prom and graduation may require shoes and attire suitable for a festive or formal occasion.

2.        Students MAY wear:

a.       Fitted pants, leggings, yoga pants and "skinny jeans" 

b.       Distressed jeans, skirts and shorts, as long as underwear is not visible

c.       Tank tops, including spaghetti straps, as long as the mid-lower back, midriff, sides and breast/chest are not visible (students are encouraged to layer clothing to meet dress code parameters).  

d.       Athletic attire as long as general parameters of the dress code are met.  

e.       School-sanctioned Granby wear.

f.        Administrative approval is required for Spirit Week, fundraising initiatives, or athletic sports events

 3.       Students MAY NOT wear:

a.       Violent language or images or that create a hostile or intimidating environment including hate speech, profanity or pornography

b.       Images or language depicting drugs or alcohol (or any illegal item or activity) or use thereof

c.       Sexually suggestive or provocative slogans, emblems, insignia, images or language

d.       Halter tops or strapless tops if not layered under other clothing

e.       Any attire that exposes the mid to lower back, midriff, breasts/chest or buttocks 

f.        Sunglasses or head coverings (special exceptions may be made for religious, health or prior approved reasons). Head coverings include, but are not limited to: hats, head scarves and hoods.

g.       Pajamas 


1.       For a first occurrence, staff members will discreetly communicate with students in a brief discussion about the dress code.  For egregious violations, students will be asked to change or cover appropriately, and may borrow Granby wear which will be made available in the office.

2.       Second occurrence, staff will clarify expectations with student and alert administration who will notify parent and keep a record.

3.       Third offense, student will meet with administrator who will call parent and issue a PM school including a reflection.

4.       Subsequent offenses may result in meetings with parents and further discipline including Saturday School and/or loss of privileges.