Media Center


The Media Center is located in building 1 and has two levels. Students enter and exit on the lower level to sign in and sign out on attendance sheets.

Hours and Student Access

The Media Center is open from 7:15 to 2:30 on all regular school days (hours are posted on the Media Center website). After school study hall takes place in the Media Center all days except Wednesday until 4:30. Students are welcome to drop off or pick up materials during the 15 minutes before or after school without a pass.

• During the school day all students must obtain a pass to the MEDIA CENTER from their assigned teacher. Students who wish to come to the Media Center are required to report to their own SDA teacher at the beginning of the period (for attendance) and to request a pass for the purpose of study, quiet reading, research, using Media Center resources, technology or services. A limit of 7 passes per SDA helps to avoid overcrowding. However, students may call the Media Center staff to ask if additional space is available.

• Students must sign in and out on the lower level at the circulation desk and must request permission and a pass to leave during the period.

• During 20 minute SDA times on MTF only students with no other SDA may obtain a pass. For exceptional circumstances, please contact MC staff.

• Students are required to report to the commons for the lunch period assigned to the teacher with whom they have class during lunch time. For special requests and needs, students may request a pass from the teacher, administrator or from Media Center staff.

• Small snacks eaten discreetly are permitted in the Media Center, but not meals.

Loan and Return of Materials

• Students may borrow resources from the Media Center as follows: main book collection, – 3 weeks; magazines – 1 week; reference books and reserve books – overnight.

• All books and materials must be signed out at the circulation desk and should be returned or renewed by their due date.

• Video cameras, USB microphones, and other tech devices and equipment are available for student use as well as assistance in using them. Special care needs to be taken that all technology is returned in the same condition it was when borrowed.

• When the Media Center is open, return books to the drop slot at the circulation desk.

• Students with excessively overdue materials may lose Media Center privileges until items are returned or renewed.

• Accountability forms for overdue or damaged materials are submitted to the office at year end. Students are charged replacement fees for lost or damaged items.

Resources and Services

The Media Center purchases materials, technology and resources to reflect student interests and to support school curriculum. Recommendations are encouraged.

• Students are expected to use resources (i.e., technology, equipment, furniture, books, etc.) appropriately and to protect them from damage and loss.

• In addition to books, magazines, audiobooks, ebooks, and DVD’s, this Media Center provides access to materials in both the Middle School and High School Media Centers through the Media Center website.

• Secure, on-line access to various subscription databases is available without charge to our students. The databases may be accessed on site or remotely by using password information given to GMHS users. Request a password handout from the Media Center staff. Links to databases are provided under Media Center on the GMHS website.

• Chromebooks are managed on-site by the Media Center staff. Please bring your Chromebook and/or your charger if you are having any difficulty using it, or if it is damaged in any way. The Media Center will handle Chromebooks being sent out for repair.

• Photocopies of Media Center materials are made free of charge upon request.

• The Media Center staff is happy to assist students in locating materials and information in the Media Center, as well as assisting students in using technology to research or explore interests. Students may request assistance in person, by phone or by email.


It is the intent of Granby Memorial High School to comply with Federal copyright laws. No staff member, employee or student is permitted to use school equipment or resources for purposes which do not comply with Copyright law and fall within legal or “Fair Use” Guidelines.

Use of Information Technology

The Granby Public Schools recognize the education value of electronic service and its potential to support curriculum and student learning. In order to provide for the appropriate use of information systems, the Granby Board of Education has developed an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)* governing use of technology. Students are expected to use technology responsibly and ethically within AUP guidelines.

Violations will result in the loss of access privileges, school disciplinary action and/or appropriate legal action.

Use of Media Center by Students during Assigned Class Periods

Students may come to the Media Center:

• With a class accompanied by a teacher (class groups do not sign in)

• Individually or in a group of up to 5 on a pass from their teacher that period

• In groups of over 5 if previously arranged by the teacher with MC staff

Rules of Conduct when Visiting the Media Center

• Arrive promptly with a signed pass remembering to make trips to lockers, lavatory, phone, etc., before you arrive.

• Use the time in the Media Center appropriately (i.e., focus on study, research, or reading. Please minimize socializing).

• Drinks and small snacks are allowed in the Media Center. Please be respectful and pick up your trash.

• All school policies and rules apply while you are in the Media Center. Remember to be courteous to your peers and the MC staff.

• Appropriately use electronic devices, both personal and school, adhering to the Technology Acceptable Use policy.

• Content and games viewed on library computers must be school-appropriate and not offensive to others.

• Please maintain a voice and activity level that is appropriate to the task and that does not disturb others.