Emergency Procedures

Emergency Procedures

Lock Down

If an announcement is made from the office that LOCK DOWN is now in effect, school personnel and students will be required to remain in their classrooms.  All doors to the outside will be locked immediately.  All students who are outside of the building will be directed to assemble in a pre-designated area and stay with their teacher for further directions.

All classroom doors will be locked and shades drawn.  Students and staff may need to stay in lockdown for an extensive amount of time.  All bells will be turned off and all communication will be via school phones.  No use of televisions, radios or personal cell phones will be permitted.  No on is to be released without permission from the coordinator or police.

If the high school is placed on a LOCK DOWN, then the middle school will be placed immediately go to Shelter in Place.  The high school and middle school will be considered as one campus.

Shelter In Place

Shelter in Place happens when another school in the district is placed on a Lock Down.  All schools in the district will be placed on a Shelter in Place.  During a Shelter in Place, all students will be brought into their respective classrooms.  There will be no outside activities.  During a partial lockdown, all doors to the outside will be locked.  The regular schedule will be followed, except for outside activities.  All schools will remain in Shelter in Place until an announcement is made clearing the Lock Down School.


All students are to leave their designated area under the supervision of their classroom teacher.  Teachers are responsible for taking attendance and forwarding the attendance report to a secretary who will be located outside of Building 1, a secretary who will be located near the tennis courts, and a secretary will be located near building 2.  Teachers not assigned to a class must present themselves to the secretary at the locations verifying their safe exit from the building.

Senior students in the Cafe are to exit quickly and quietly and present themselves to the teacher for attendance-taking purposes.