Tiling Area Problems

Area Problems (Tiling and Painting) Anchor Chart

Math Anchor Chart:

Step 1: Always make sure that all your units that label the dimensions are the same. This may mean converting some of the linear dimensions of the shapes. Linear dimensions are length, width, base, height. For example: You can’t multiply 0.5m by 100 cm until you convert the m to cm or the cm to m. It is your choice, but you must convert first.

Area of Rectangle Length x Width

Area of Parallelogram Base x Height

Area of Triangle (Base x Height) divided by 2

Converting metres (m) to centimetres (cm): multiply by 100

Converting cm to metres: divide by 100

To find unshaded area or the area left over when you don’t include the areas inside of the shape:

  • Total Area of Large Shape subtract (-) Area of Smaller Shape

When tiling a floor and you need to find how many tiles are needed:

  • Area to be tiled divided by size of tiles. The size of the tiles is the area of the tiles.

Example: Large Floor is 50 m2 . The tiles are 0.5 m2 . 50 divided by 0.5 = 100 tiles required

Remember that the large area to be tiled divided by size of the tiles gives us the number of tiles needed.

Checking your answer:

Work backwards:

100 tiles multiplied by the size of the tiles (0.5 m2) = 50 m2

Yes! This is the area of the room to be tiled. The math equation is correct.

Grade 6:

1m2 = 10 000 cm2

If you choose to convert m2 to cm2 square you have to multiply by 10 000

Example: 5 m2 = 5 x 10 000 = 50 000 cm2

If you choose to convert cm2 to m2 you have to divide by 10 000.

Example: 42 000 cm2 x 10 000 = 42 000 m2