Writing Self-Assessment

Writing Self-Reflection / Self-Assessment Name:____________________ Day:______

My writing is organized

This means that the ideas are connected in a way that the reader can clearly follow your thinking/ideas without being confused or uninformed. There are no gaps. It is sequenced effectively. It flows.

Self- Rating

1 2 3 4

Teacher Rating

1 2 3 4

My writing uses effective word choice

This means you have used powerful verbs (action words) and quality adjectives (describing words) to grab your reader’s attention. You used adjectives to describe your nouns. You used more sophisticated words when possible (e.g. instead of a word like “big” you use “gigantic”). You used some specialized terminology. You used some non high frequency words properly.

Self- Rating

1 2 3 4

Teacher Rating

1 2 3 4

My writing has strong sentence fluency and structure

This means your sentences are appropriate lengths. Some are short; sometimes just one to a few words. Some sentences are complex because they use markers (e.g. but, and). There are no run on sentences.

Self- Rating

1 2 3 4

Teacher Rating

1 2 3 4

My writing accounts for proper conventions

This means spelling, capitalization, grammar & punctuation are edited and accurate.

A resource was used for any convention that you were not certain was correct.

Self- Rating

1 2 3 4

Teacher Rating

1 2 3 4

My writing has strong ideas

This means you have detail in your writing. When applicable, you gave examples to strengthen your points. This means you stayed on topic. Your reader will clearly be well informed about the topic of focus. The important details are presented. The length of this piece is within the range of what was expected.

Self- Rating

1 2 3 4

Teacher Rating

1 2 3 4

My writing has a voice.

This means your writing has a style. It sounds like you. Your personality shines through in your writing. It has your own personal touch! This is achieved with your own “word choice” and creativity with expressing ideas.

Self- Rating

1 2 3 4

Teacher Rating

1 2 3 4

Self-Assessment Post Writing:

I read my writing aloud to myself or listened to an audio reading of it: Yes No

I made changes after reading my writing aloud to myself: Yes No

I made certain that all spelling and punctuation was accurate: Yes No

I knew what the purpose of this writing piece was before starting it: Yes No

I am proud of this piece of writing: Yes No

Feedback Focus:



for Growth