Create Teacher Education Portfolio Site from Template
ATTENTION: If the Template looks very different from what is in the video please email me ( as soon as possible. The template may have been tampered with and needs to be replaced.
We use a template to launch portfolios so less effort can be spent on the technical aspects of the portfolio and more effort can be spent on authoring content into the portfolio. To create your Teacher Education Portfolio site from the template:
Open your Chrome Browser (the actions below won't work in any other browser).
Log in to Google Drive using your email address.
Click this link to navigate to the Teacher Education Portfolio Template.
Click on the three vertical dots right next to the PUBLISH button.
Click "Make a copy".
Change the name to "FirstName LastName Teacher Education Portfolio".
Make sure "Entire site" is selected.
Change the folder where your portfolio site is located to "My Drive".
Click "Ok".
The process to copy your site will take a little bit of time. A box that says "Copying site" will pop up in the middle of the window until the process is done. Your new site should pop up as the top window
Navigate back to the other tab, and close the Education Portfolio Template window by clicking the x in the tab (just to avoid confusion). People that fail to execute this step have had their work deleted because they started to edit the template rather than their own portfolio site.
Navigate back to the tab with your site. If you cannot see the tab navigate to Google Drive, click "My Drive", and open your portfolio file named FirstName LastName Teacher Education Portfolio. (If you don't see it try waiting a minute and/or reloading the page).
Adjust who your site is shared with by clicking the person with the + sign at the top of your window.
Under "Links" click the "Change" link
On the "Draft" row, make sure it reads "Draft Restricted". If not click on the small triangle on that row to select "Restricted"
On the "Published" row, make sure it reads "Published site Public". And below it will read "Anyone on the internet can find and open."
Click Done.
You just created your Teacher Education portfolio! But it needs to be tailored to you...on to the next task!