Select the Artifact

The purpose of your education portfolio is to capture moments of professional growth generated from your program.

The purpose of this course is to help you author a moment of professional growth into your portfolio.

The purpose of this task in the course is to help you select the artifact to represent your identified moment of professional growth and to embed that artifact in your portfolio.

Select the Artifact that Represents your Moment of Professional Growth

An artifact is something you can point to that represents your moment of professional growth as an educator.

For example, when I was a student teacher (many years ago), I was asked to create a quiz for the class that I was serving as lead instructor. I developed a quiz that I believed represented tasks the class should have been able to complete given what I had taught the previous week. After I gave the assessment and saw the poor scores, my clinical instructor knowingly shared with me how the assessment I designed did not allow for differentiation in performance. It was more a challenge problem that frustrated most of the students, thus not allowing for an accurate measure of what the students knew about the content that I taught. In short, it was a bad test! BUT, most importantly, that moment of failure represented an important moment in my development as a teacher in what makes a good assessment of learning. I wanted to know what my students knew, not frustrate them so I didn't get the information that I sought after.

Logically, the artifact that would best represent that moment of professional growth as an educator could be the test or possibly a journal entry where I reflected on my experience writing, grading, and or rewriting that test.

Regardless of the artifact I choose to represent the moment, if I put the test or the journal entry in front of you it wouldn't mean anything without the context and and associated reflection (which is the next step). So an artifact is something you can point to that represents something bigger, specifically your moment of professional growth.

Portfolio Site Task

To embed an artifact that represents your identified moment of professional growth into your artifact page within your education portfolio, execute the following steps:

  1. Open your Chrome Web Browser.

  2. Log in to Google Drive using your email address.

  3. Place your selected artifact into your shared "Education Portfolio” folder in Google Drive.

  4. Open your Education Portfolio in another tab in your Chrome Web Browser.

  5. Locate the the artifact page you worked with in the previous task.

  6. Select whether you want to insert a link or embed your artifact.

  7. Under the "Artifact" heading, embed or link to your selected artifact located in your shared "Education Portfolio” folder. (see the video for more directions).

You have selected the artifact to represent your identified moment of professional growth and embedded that artifact in your portfolio.