Publish Educational Leadership Portfolio

To publish your Educational Leadership Portfolio site, and to update your site with any changes you make, you need to execute the following steps.

  1. Open your Chrome browser.

  2. Log in to Google Drive using your email address.

  3. Open up your Educational Leadership Portfolio.

  4. Click the PUBLISH button at the top of the screen.

  5. Type in your web address to be FirstName-LastName-Portfolio, or something similar.

  6. Under "Who can view my site" click the "MANAGE" link.

  7. Under "Links", click the "Change" link.

  8. In the Draft row, make sure it reads "Draft Restricted". Under it will read "Only people added can open with this link".

  9. In the Published row, make sure it reads "Published site Public". Below it will read "Anyone on the internet can find and open".

  10. Click Done.

  11. Click PUBLISH

You have just published your portfolio!

Anytime you update your Educational Leadership Portfolio and want those changes visible to anyone who visits your site, just hit the PUBLISH button.