Author Artifact Details

To author an artifact into your education portfolio, execute the following steps:

  1. Open your Chrome Web Browser.
  2. Log in to Google Drive using your email address.
  3. Open you Education Portfolio
  4. Locate the first empty artifact page.
  5. Rename the page to reflect your artifact.
  6. Under the "Context" heading, describe the where the *Briefly describe what your artifact is and where it came from. Avoid using jargon that someone unfamiliar with your program would not understand. e.g. "In my EDEL 403 class..." versus "In the class where I learned how to teach mathematics..."
  7. Under the "Artifact" heading, embed the artifact or create a link to the artifact.
  8. Under the "Reflection" heading, describe why the artifact is important to you and your development as a teacher.
  9. Finally, under the "Justification" heading, identify what standards this artifact is evidence of, copy and paste the identified standards to the page, and under each standard justify why the artifact is evidence of the identified standards. Use a sentence like, "This artifact is evidence of growth in this standard because...."

After completing the justification for the artifact, you have authored an artifact into your portfolio!