Music Unit Sample

Unit: Grade 7 Popular Music

Perform, Listen, and Create: Chords and Progressions (I, IV, V)

Unit Outcomes:

Perform, listen, and create chord progressions using I, IV, and V chords.

Perform, listen, and create using treble clef.

Perform, and listen to the C major scale.

Perform, and listen to the triplet

Demonstrate critical awareness of and value the role of arts in creating and reflecting culture.

Value the arts as a record of human experience and expression.

Analyze relation between artistic intent and expressive work.


Computer, speakers, recordings, Smartboard, whiteboard, Orff Instruments, “Pop Music Listening” Worksheet, “Pop Tune Time” Worksheet

Set up:

Have Orff instruments arranged in rows based on the range of the instruments. Front row(s) for soprano instruments, middle row(s) for alto, and back row for bass instruments. Depending on how many instruments there are, students may need to share. Students will need to move the instruments around for group work, but must put the instruments back in their original rows before leaving class.


Pre-assessment: Popular music listening activity

Formative: “What is popular music” exit card

C and G chord exit card

I V vi IV group performance evaluation

“Little Talks” guided listening (raise hand when chord changes)

“Little Talks” class performance

Summative: “Pop Tune Time” project (worksheet and performance)

To see complete lesson plans please visit the attached files.