Glastonbury Public Schools ELL

Word of the Year Project

Image of a brick wall in the hallway of the school. The brick wall has a banner across the top that is made of yellow sheets of paper. The banner says Word of the Year. Below the banner, the students chose their favorite words and hung them up. Each word is on a different color paper. There are also 10 posters on the wall that have QR codes to scan. These codes bring you to an Adobe Spark presentation to show viewers why those students chose that word as their favorite word.

Students were introduced to the concept of Word of the Year/Favorite Word through articles, websites, and literature including Max's Words by Kate Banks and The Boy Who Loved Words by Roni Schotter. 

Next students chose their own word of the year/favorite word and supported their choice with reasons and evidence. Finally students created a slide using the Adobe Spark app to present their work.

(or click here for text based description project description)

School Projects and Additional Resources