Glastonbury Public Schools ELL

Six Word Memoirs

Image of a black circle with the words Six-Word in yellow across the top and Memoirs around the bottom. The two parts are separated by two white stars. In the center of the circle is the number 6 in teal. Around the number six is the url to their website:

In the fall of 2015, ELL students across the district participated in an innovative project that integrated literacy and technology. Students wrote Six Word Memoirs about an important aspect of their lives and created a visual representation of their memoir using the app PicCollage. This project was presented at the Foreign Language/ELL Literacy Showcase in February 2016.

Please click below to see our Six Word Memoir video. You may click in the right hand corner to view full-screen.

Also, click here to learn more about Six Word Memoirs.

ELL Six Word Memoirs 2016