Glastonbury Public Schools

Multilingual Learner Program

Please scroll below and click on the links above to learn more

image with the word Hello and hello written in several different languages

Debbie Howard

Multilingual Learner Program Coordinator


Amanda Robustelli-Price

Director of World Languages and Multilingual Learner Program


Tips for Parents of Multilingual Learners

Free English Classes

Parents as Educational Partners (PEP)

For Parents of Glastonbury Public School Students. Learn English while learning about the Glastonbury Public Schools. Topics will include report cards, curricula, parent/teacher conferences, study skills and homework, the school day, school procedures and more. 

PEP Registration.pdf

Multilingual Learner Preschool Story Time 

Pre-School Story Time at Welles Village Community Center 

For 3 and 4-year-olds and their Parent or Caregiver.  Do you have a three or four-year-old who speaks a language other than English at home? Join us on Thursday mornings for stories, songs, crafts, parent information, and more!!  Please see the flyer below for details and how to register.

Multilingual Learner Preschool Storytime.pdf

Connecticut Seal of Biliteracy

The Connecticut State Seal of Biliteracy recognizes public high school graduates who have attained a level of proficiency in English and one or more languages. Proficiency is determined through scoring on one of several state approved assessment tools. 

Many of our multilingual students are able to achieve the Seal of Biliteracy recognition!

Students meeting the criteria for biliteracy receive a seal affixed to their diploma and to their high school transcript. The marker is useful to both employers and to colleges and universities. It helps to identify students with verified multilingual skills. 

Click here for more information about the CT Seal of Biliteracy and Glastonbury Schools.

Image of the Connecticut Seal of Biliteracy. The seal is a gold circle with a red banner on the bottom. In the banner is the words biliteracy. The state seal is centered with four white stars on the edges of the circle. ON the top part of the circle are the words Connecticut Seal in red.