Glastonbury Public Schools

About Us

Image of paper cut out people holding hands around the globe.

About the Glastonbury Multilingual Learner Program

The Multilingual Learner Program helps students to learn the English and academic skills that they will need to be successful in our schools. 

Program Services

Services are provided one on one or in small groups outside the classroom, in the classroom, and through the co-teaching model. At the middle and high school levels two different types of services are available to students. An instructional class where students are instructed in speaking, listening, reading and writing in English; and a tutorial class where students receive help with assignments from their content area classes. 

We also have a program for pre-school students who speak another language at home and their parents. The Multilingual Learner Program Pre-School Story Time exposes pre-school age students to stories, crafts, and songs in English and provides parents with information on how to help their children learn English and prepare for kindergarten.

Multilingual Learner Summer Camp

We have a summer camp for students currently in grades K-12.  This summer camp helps students continue to develop their English language skills over the summer months.

Multilingual Learner Program Staff

The program currently has eleven part-time tutors, one certified teacher at the elementary level, and one certified teacher at Glastonbury High School. Each elementary school has at least one Multilingual Learner Program tutor who works under the direction of the Program Coordinator to develop lessons to improve the students’ proficiency in English and to help them to understand grade level content. Tutors also work with classroom teachers to help them meet the needs of individual students. 

Parents as Educational Partners (PEP)

Another program that we offer for parents of Glastonbury students is Parents as Educational Partners (PEP). PEP classes provide an opportunity for parents to learn English while learning about the Glastonbury Public Schools. The classes meet for two hours each week. We offer one class in the morning and one class in the evening. PEP classes are held from October through May.