Glastonbury Public Schools ELL

Making My Mark on the World

In the fall of 2014 ELL students across the district participated in an exciting project that integrated literacy and technology. Students read the story The Dot by Peter Reynolds, then discussed how they would make their mark in the world. Students used the MyStory app to create Ebooks that answered the question "How will I make my mark on the world?" Projects were displayed at the Foreign Language/ELL Literacy Showcase in February 2015.  

Please enjoy the images below of the cover pages of a few of our student books.

Literacy Showcase 2015 Display

Image of a brick wall in the hallway of a school. The wall is covered with student projects. The top of the wall has a banner that says Making my Mark on the World. Along the top as well are 8 different country flags.
Image of a sample student poster that was made after reading a book titled The Dot. On the poster is a picture of the student, a picture of their work, a QR Code, and the words "Making my Mark on the World Scan to read my story."
Image of a sample student poster that was made after reading a book titled The Dot. On the poster is a picture of the student, a picture of their work, a QR Code, and the words "Making my Mark on the World Scan to read my story."
Image of a sample student poster that was made after reading a book titled The Dot. On the poster is a picture of the student, a picture of their work, a QR Code, and the words "Making my Mark on the World Scan to read my story."
Image of a sample student poster that was made after reading a book titled The Dot. On the poster is a picture of the student, a picture of their work, a QR Code, and the words "Making my Mark on the World Scan to read my story."
Image of a sample student poster that was made after reading a book titled The Dot. On the poster is a picture of the student, a picture of their work, a QR Code, and the words "Making my Mark on the World Scan to read my story."
Image of a sample student poster that was made after reading a book titled The Dot. On the poster is a picture of the student, a picture of their work, a QR Code, and the words "Making my Mark on the World Scan to read my story."