Glastonbury Public Schools ELL

A Wish for the World

After reading the book My Wish for Tomorrow by Jim Henson Productions, the ELL students in Glastonbury used the Flipgrid app to answer the question: If you were granted one wish to make the world a better place, what would it be? During International Night at Smith Middle School on March 1, 2018 other members of the community added their wishes in our pop-up recording studios. 

Image of a blue background and a green banner in the center with the words Flipgrid. This image also links to:
This image is a collection of 12 images in a grid style format. In each square is a different student working on their flip grid projects. Some students have their headsets on listen to projects, some students are in front of a map, and other students smiled for the camera!
Image of four students in a green tent called a pop-up pod. Each student is holding a blue paper while looking at an iPad held by a teacher. The teacher is squatting down in front of the tent to show the girls the iPad.
Two teachers smiling for the camera. One is holding and iPad in hand.