Glastonbury Public Schools

Multilingual Learner Curriculum

image of globe covered with small square flags from various countries

Multilingual Learner Program Beliefs

Multilingual Learners bring a unique set of assets that enrich the experiences of all students and staff. In our district we believe in an asset-based approach to educating multilingual students that honors their primary languages, background knowledge, and experiences. 

We believe that every student should have an equal opportunity for success. Every student needs to feel they belong, are understood, and are valued. 

Through effective English language instruction and academic support that builds upon the strengths of students’ linguistic proficiencies in all of their languages, students will be able to achieve their personal and academic goals. 

Multilingual Learner Program Goals

Image of the Earth with the focus on Asia.
image of globe with mutli-colored grid and countries in blue

Multilingual Learner Program Instruction

Instruction is guided by the CT English Language Proficiency Standards as well as the Common Core State Standards. Click below for the the State Standards link.