Glastonbury Public Schools


photo of 4 young students wearing masks enthusiastically showing off their craft projects

Summer Enrichment Camps

Summer enrichment camps are held at Glastonbury High School from for three weeks in June and July. Past themes for the camps have included "Under the Sea," "A Trip Across the U.S.A.," and "Traveling Through Time." 

photo of 3 children and an adult sitting on floor wearning masks and surrounded by colorful mats and colorful toys and bins.

Multilingual Learner Pre-School Storytime

The Department is proud to offer Multilingual Learner Pre-School Storytime! Please see the home page for more information about this wonderful program.

photo of two students in headscarves presenting to a class, standing in front of a projection screen

Read Around The World

Every two years, the World Language/Multilingual Learner Program Department sponsors a Literacies Showcase that includes a “Read Around the World” program.  Glastonbury High School students read stories and lead activities in a variety of languages including Albanian, Arabic, Gujarati, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Spanish. The goal of the story hour is to connect all cultures through literature.

photo of children around table outside working on colorful crafts with parent helper and parent holding baby and decorative country flags

Multilingual Learner Family Picnic

Each year, we host a student and family picnic at J.B. Williams Park in June. Families bring food from their cultural heritages to share and enjoy pizza, games, and conversation.