Glastonbury Public Schools ELL

Heart Maps

In the fall of 2019 our English Language Learner students created Heart Maps. Their maps reveal the people, places, memories, and experiences that are most important to them. These maps were on display during the district's International Night held in November and open to the public.

Please enjoy a small sampling of the Heart Map projects and photos from the event, below.

Heart Map Video

Watch this video for an explanation of heart mapping.

photo of a construction paper heart small drawings of people, flags, hearts, etc.
photo of a construction paper heart small drawings of people, hearts,  a bridge, etc
photo of a construction paper heart small drawings of people, rainbows, etc.
photo of young girl smiling proudly and pointing to wall decorated with "heart maps"
photo of student smiling proudly and holding a "heart map" in front of a wall decorated with "heart maps," In middle of the wall is a sign that reads "We are each unique and beautiful but together we are a Masterpiece."
photo of student sitting next to wall decorated with heart maps and smiling at camera
photo of smiling young boy holding his heart map proudly
photo of student smiling in front of heart maps wall
photo of decorated "heart map" wall. In middle of the wall is a sign that reads "We are each unique and beautiful but together we are a Masterpiece."
photo of eight teachers in front of decorated heart map wall
photo of a construction paper heart with small drawings of flags, mountains, a snowman, etc
photo of a construction paper heart small drawings of a flag and a piano and lots of writing
photo of a construction paper heart small drawings of many hearts and people