2020 News

PharmedOut In the News - 2020

November 2020

  • November 15: Dr. Fugh-Berman was quoted by Mad In America on the marketing of expensive tardive dyskinesia drugs.

  • Photos from PharmaBait, PharmedOut's collection of promotional items distributed by pharmaceutical companies, made an appearance in multiple articles in Mad In America.

  • Dr. Fugh-Berman was recently quoted by Reuters on Hemophilia drug manufacturers: “Industry’s relationship with individual patients or health care providers is always about selling specific targeted products."

September 2020

  • September 15: The first PharmedOut webinar on Institutional Corruption and Clinical Practice Guidelines, with Joel Lexchin MD and Lisa Cosgrove PhD was featured on Mad In America's website.

August 2020

  • August 23: Dr. Fugh-Berman's letter to the editor was published in the Washington Post, defending randomized controlled trials given the emergency-use authorization of convalescent plasma by the Food and Drug Administration to treat COVID-19.

  • PharmedOut was featured in the International Society of Drug Bulletins (ISDB) latest newsletter as one of their newest associate members. Founded in 1986, the ISDB is a world-wide network of pharma-free bulletins and journals on drugs and therapeutics.

  • PharmedOut's intern, Daisy Daeschler, was recently featured in the National Women's Health Network newsletter's Rx for Change column with her article Is your Doctor Treating Your Social Needs?

July 2020

  • July 25: PharmaBait, our recently-released collection of drug rep promotional items, is already being featured on multiple platforms online! Most recently, an image from PharmaBait was used in an article in Mad In America.

  • July 21: Dr. Fugh-Berman was quoted in a Pain News Network article on what the US Pain Foundation should have done with the $210,000 they received from Insys Therapeutics.

  • Dr. Sharon Batt and Dr. Fugh-Berman’s article, Pharmaceutical Ethics and Grassroots Activism in the United States: A Social History Perspective was mentioned in several blogs this July, including BigThink and Mad in America.

June 2020

  • We are pleased to announce that PharmedOut was recently granted associated membership to the International Society of Drug Bulletins (ISDB). Founded in 1986, the ISDB is a world-wide network of pharma-free bulletins and journals on drugs and therapeutics.

May 2020

April 2020

  • April 16: Dr. Fugh-Berman was quoted in a Consumer Reports article about off-label prescribing and coronavirus. "Companies can't advertise their drugs for off-label use, but doctors often learn about them, legally, through medical literature provided by drug company sales reps or from continuing medical education" says Fugh-Berman.

February 2020

  • February 27: Dr. Fugh-Berman was quoted in a Stat News article about an upcoming New York Academy of Sciences conference on conflicts of interest that is funded by Johnson and Johnson. "This is a conflict of interest conference with a conflict of interest" says Fugh-Berman.