Message from the PRO

Dear members of the Hoya community,

As you delve into this message, I extend a warm welcome to our platform! Thank you for all your votes and trust to make me your new Public Relations Officer for the year 2024-2025.

Representing the interests of the student body within GU-Q

The SGA's main duty is to represent the student body of GU-Q to the administration. To that end, the SGA President meets with Dean Brendan Hill, the Senior Associate Dean for Students, every two weeks and discuss the various concerns that the sudents have raised that should be addressed by the university administration. The SGA also meets with various guests from the main campus at Washignton D.C., during their visits to GU-Q. 

SGA members meeting with the Provost Robert Groves of Georgetown University. 

Representing the interests of the student body outside GU-Q

The SGA in addition to representing the student body in GU-Q, represents them outside too. The SGA has established relations between their counterparts in Education City, GUSA, and GradGov. They work together to have more student events.

President Kurian meeting with the ambassadors after the LACAS event. They discussed the idea of student internships and other opportunities for students to experience diplomacy in their embassies.

Collaborations with other EC Student Governments

Collaborations with Georgetown University Student Association (GUSA)

Collaborations with Georgetown University GradGov

SGA meeting with the Business Design and Optimization Group (BDOG) representatives from Georgetown's campus in DC to restructure student events post-Covid.