Dear Hoyas,

My name is Mohammad Jaski, the President of the Student Body, humbled and invigorated by the opportunity to lead and serve you in the year ahead.

Let me make one thing abundantly clear: We are a force to be reckoned with. Each of us possesses the potential to ignite change, shatter barriers, and transform the world around us. Our strength lies not only in our individual capabilities but also in our collective spirit, for it is when we come together as one that we become an unstoppable force.

This year will be defined by our unwavering commitment to excellence in all aspects of our university experience. We shall push the boundaries of academic achievement, seeking knowledge with a voracious appetite and embracing intellectual challenges that expand our minds. We will champion inclusivity, valuing diversity in all its forms and ensuring that every student feels respected, heard, and supported within our campus community.

As Hoyas, we are known for our passion and resilience. We will rise above the challenges that may lie ahead, confronting them head-on with unyielding determination. Our shared vision is to leave a lasting impact, to carve out a legacy that future generations of Hoyas will look upon with awe and inspiration. We will seize every opportunity to make our mark, fostering innovation, and forging partnerships that extend far beyond our campus borders.

In the coming months, my team and I will work tirelessly to ensure your concerns are heard, your needs are met, and your aspirations are supported. We are here to serve you, to empower you, and to amplify your voices. Together, we will create a vibrant, inclusive, and unforgettable Georgetown experience.

As we embark on this remarkable journey together, let us remember the words of John F. Kennedy: "Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction." With purpose in our hearts and determination in our souls, we will leave an indelible mark on Georgetown University in Qatar.

I have immense faith in our collective strength, my fellow Hoyas. Together, let us set the world ablaze with our extraordinary spirit.

With unwavering conviction,

Mohammad Jaski,

President of the Student Body