The SAC Committee

The Student Activities Commission (SAC) is a committee that comes under the purview of the SGA. This committee decides upon the student-led event proposals at GU-Q.

The commission is headed by the Vice- President of the Student Government Association. The SAC members meet once a week to discuss various event proposals by different clubs at GU-Q.  

SAC Leadership

Ahmed Noeman

Chair of Student Activities Commission

Message from the Vice-President

Dear Hoyas, 

Various questions regarding SAC and its policies might pop up to some of you, I am always open to any clarification, whether in person, through email, or whatever method you are comfortable with. You can always find me in the Atrium or the SGA Office. Feel free to reach out whenever you need any assistance.

Ahmed Noeman

Vice President of the Student Body and Chair of SAC

Please click the buttons below to access the SAC form for student club event proposals. 

What approvals are required to host an event?

The SAC approval is the first and foremost approval that is required when you host any student event at GU-Q. You will have to fill out a SAC form identifying the event and requesting for funding for the mentioned event. After getting the SAC approval, you will have to approach the Events department and raise an events ticket.