Academic Council (AC)

What is the AC?

The Academic Council is a newly established council, established by the former PRO Nagla Abdelhady in the 17th SGA. The purposes of the Academic Councils are: 

Taken from AC Constitution (June 2024)

SFSAC Collaboration

The GU-Q Academic Council (AC) is the Qatar campus equivalent of the School of Foreign Service Academic Council (SFSAC) on the Washington D.C. campus. The establishment of the AC came in collaboration with the SFSAC, to further this collaboration, the AC will send a campus representative to the AC every semester. One student who is going to study abroad will be elected or selected by the chair of the AC to serve as our campus rep. The AC representative will work in collaboration with both councils, representing the interests of the Qatar campus on the SFSAC. The representative will work closely with the chair of AC. The chair of AC will also work closely with the president of the SFSAC and with various subcommittee chairs in the SFSAC to work on cross campus projects. 

AC Leadership

Sama Alissa

Chair of Academic Council

Message from the Chief of Staff

As the chief of staff, a lot of my work has to do with the internal organization of the SGA. Such as maintaining our budget for our various projects and events, record keeping, and so much more. However, the part of my role that I am most excited about is something that I am the first to do, which is chairing the Academic Council (AC). 

Department Consultants

Dean Brenden Hill

Senior Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs

Dean Morgan Fisher

Advising Dean

Dean Julien Moutte

Advising Dean

Dean Christine

Advising Dean

Deborah McKee


Mahmoud Adam

Office of Academic Services

Joanna Popczyck

Office of Academic Services

Pirbahi- Fall'24

Jeremy Koons- Spring'25

Faculty Chiar


Chair of IECO


Chair of IPOL


Chair of  CULP


Chair of IHIS

Elizabeth Wanucha

HC Executive Director

AC Documents

Establishment Memo- December 2023 (All names listed in this document are applicable to Fall 2023)

Academic Council Establishement Memo.docx

AC Constitution

Academic Council Constitution