Message From The President

Dear Hoyas,

My name is Nagla Abdelhady, and I am going to be serving as the SLC Chair. For this year, I am excited to build on all the effort that we have done in the last semesters with SLC and follow up on many pressing issues to the student body. The SLC functions to address all your concerns promptly and effectively to ensure that all student concerns are addressed immediately. As the Chair, I am looking forward to using this platform to ensure students feel empowered, and to give you all the space to create a comfortable experience here at GU-Q. 

I know you might have questions as we go, but I will always be happy to answer them and make myself available to hear out any concerns. I encourage you all to constantly keep up with the work of the SLC through the meetings minutes being sent by me, so that you are all caught up with what is being addressed and issues at progress. I am looking forward to working with you all!

Hoya Saxa!

Nagla - SLC Chair