EC SGA Liason

Georgetown University in Qatar has a long history of collaboration with other universities in Education City (EC). In 2009, the GUQ- SGA, under the leadership of the then President Hadi Darwishi, helped initiate the first talks with their counterparts in Education City. This was the first Education City Student Government Association meeting (EC SGA). Since then, GU-Q SGA always had good relations with their counterparts in Education City. Pre-Covid, we had organized Fall Fest in collaboration with the SGA of Northwestern University in Qatar, Texas A&M University, etc. During the Covid- 19 pandemic, these relations faltered. 

The relations were revived again in 2022, when the GUQ- SGA, under the leadership of President Benjamin Kurian took an initiative to host a meeting of all the Education City SGAs at Georgetown University in Qatar. They agreed on mutual cooperation and event collaborations between their universities.