GPG Facebook Forum

The Gateway Pet Guardians Volunteer Group was formed to allow Gateway Pet Guardians fosters and volunteers to convene, ask questions, share stories, and otherwise get to know one another! By posting pictures and videos of your foster pet, our adoption team can use those to help market your foster pet for adoption.

By joining this group, you automatically agree to abide by it’s code of conduct and comment policy.

We welcome constructively expressed discussion and opinions. Please be mindful of your words and respectful of others. As volunteers, you are representatives of Gateway Pet Guardians as an organization and we know you will represent us with the utmost professionalism by treating one another kindly. We're working hard to make our foster program stronger than ever, and we highly encourage all of you to help make your group stronger as well.

Encouraged Content

Please feel free to post photos of your fosters, ask questions about fostering or the organization as a whole, post educational information that may be helpful to other fosters, and even a little dog humor every now and then.

Discouraged Content

Posts of a personal nature that do not directly relate to Gateway Pet Guardians, solicitations for other rescue groups or individuals, and other off-topic posts. If you're unsure, feel free to ask one of our Staff Members, Program Leads or Coordinators if content may be appropriate for the forum.


  • Please limit all posts to Gateway related content. We love that everyone feels comfortable here, but due to the volume of content posted in the group, important information tends to get buried quickly, so we ask that you refrain from posts of a personal nature. Educational information regarding pet care is welcome.

  • Personal attacks on other forum members are not welcomed. If you have a disagreement with someone, re-evaluate why you are here. *See below

  • No soliciting of any kind. No advertisements, no shameless self promotions, etc.

  • Violations of group policy will result in the removal of your post from the group. Excessive violations of group policy will result in your removal from the group.