Marketing Tips

Take amazing photos!

  • Get outside and use the natural light. Take them outside with the sun behind you (make sure you are not casting a shadow).

  • Try to avoid objects in the background so the sole focus is on the pet.

  • Use treats or a squeaky toy to get the pet to look at the camera for the photo.

  • Don't use flash. It makes animal eyes look scary!

  • Get down on their level. Try not to hold the camera in front of your face instead bring the camera down to their level for a better photo.


  • Blurry

  • Busy Background

  • Bad Angle


  • Outside Lighting

  • At their level

  • In Focus

Post them on social media

Sharing your foster pet across social media helps get them seen (make sure your posts are public so they can be shared).

  • Be sure to use their GPG name in the posting and tag Gateway Pet Guardians.

  • If you tag us on Instagram stories we can share them on our page stories.

  • When posting be sure to share a fun characteristics about them (knows shake, can cuddle for days, etc).

  • Leave out any negatives in their posts and include those during adoption application discussions.

Respond to adoption applications ASAP!

  • Many times when someone applies for a dog they have done so at many rescues. The sooner you reach out to applicants the sooner you get them invested in your foster pet. Otherwise they may end up adopting elsewhere if someone else responds to them first.

Email info to with information on your foster pet so we can update their online profile.

  • Info potential adopters want to know - we can write the bio, we just need the info:

    1. Are they housebroken (or litter box trained for cats)?

    2. Are they crate trained (dogs)?

    3. Do they get along with other dogs/cats/kids (if you know)?

    4. Any fun facts or favorite things or cute personality traits/quirks, etc.

    5. What would your ideal forever home for your foster pet look like? (i.e. with other pets, with an active family who likes to hike, or go for runs, or go on adventures, with or without small children, with a senior person or couple, etc.)