Morning in a Different Place

Morning in a Different Place

by: Mary Ann McGuigan

Call Number: F MCG Genre: Historical Fiction

Morning in a Different Place happens during a time when the United States was going through turmoil and how it affected the Bronx. It is based on two young girls’ friendship in the Bronx. One of them, Yolanda is black, and the other, Fiona is of Irish decent. Fiona battles home life and social awkwardness. Yolanda doesn’t want to lose her friendship with Fiona over the racism of peers and family and tries to convince her to ignore everyone. In the end, Fiona must decide if she will stand for what she wants or just back down.

The book opens with an eye catching sentence: “Now, I know what invisible feels like.” McGuigan continues to bring the story together, word after word, page after page. She creates well-developed characters leaving with no questions about them. The book shows what life could have been like for an interracial friendship at this time in history, or really any relationship. It shows, in depth, the emotional and mental mindset of these two young friends. This book would be good for anyone that wants to know what people went through 1960’s in Bronx, NY.

McGuigan, Mary Ann. Morning In A Different Place. Honesdale, Pennsylvania: Boyds Mills Press,


Xavier McRae

Fall 2012