Week 12

1. bias (n.) - a tendency, inclination, prejudice

The judge’s hidden bias against smokers led him to make an unfair decision.

2. coerce (v.) - to make somebody do something by force or threat

The court decided that Vanilla Ice did not have to honor the contract because he had been coerced into signing it.

3. copious (adj.) - profuse, abundant

Copious amounts of Snapple were imbibed in the cafeteria.

4. defer (v.) - to postpone something; to yield to another’s wisdom

Ron deferred to Diane, the expert on musical instruments, when he was asked about buying a piano.

5. edict (n.) - an order, decree

The ruler issued an edict requiring all of his subjects to bow down before him.

6. feral (adj.) - wild, savage

That beast looks so feral that I would fear being alone with it.

7. grievous (adj.) - injurious, hurtful; serious or grave in nature

Electrocuting the inmate without being sure of his guilt would be a truly grievous mistake.

8. hiatus (n.)- a break or gap in duration or continuity

The hiatus in service should last two or three months—until the cable lines are repaired .

9. inane (adj.) - silly and meaningless

Some films are so inane that the psychology of the characters makes absolutely no sense.

10. kudos (n.) - praise for an achievement

After the performance, the reviewers gave the opera singer kudos for a job well done.