Activities Content

Archive 2022

Let's Talk about consent

UWCSEA has many prideful and competitive athletes. They are competitive, driven, and disciplined, and of course, we all want to do whatever it takes to win. But how far is too far, how much is too much, that line can be blurry sometimes. What we all need to remember is that we are in control. Our boundaries are drawn by us, and consent is your choice to let people into those boundaries. Previous consent does NOT equal continuous consent. YOU get to choose what happens to YOUR body, and YOU can say NO anytime you like. Never be afraid to exercise that right. Athletes are people first and we all deserve the right to train and compete in a safe and healthy environment.  

Always remember, YOU are in control.

Video Below: Singapore National Olympic Counsel Facebook page,                                                                                                                           Posted 15 December 2022

U12 Boys ACSIS Cross Country  

FOBISIA Gymnastics Invitational 2022

The G Factor

Talent and Hardwork, these are the factors that make a good player, athlete, or competitor. But what separates the good from the great, is the G factor, namely, GRIT. Defined as many other terms, Grit is the ability to endure longer than others. The power to look at long and arduous path ahead of you, and keep moving forward. The Grit factor is embodied by our own Dragon’s teams. They are the results of a long journey of improvement, hardships and pure drive. An example for all, our Dragon’s represent the skill and effort it takes to achieve success, and of course the Grit to stay the course. 

“Grit is picking yourself up and moving forward even when you think you can’t take one more step.”  – Christy Mossburg

Posted 7 December 2022

Holiday Activities Programme - October 2022

The Holiday Activities Programme (HAP) is a great way for students to get involved in a programme that fuels your passions or to pick up a new skill / interest over the holiday break.

The programme provides opportunities for students from UWCSEA and the wider Singapore Community to connect through participation in a range of choice engagements within music, arts, sports and cultural activities. It also allows students to develop skills in particular domains, gives children access to appropriate competition and challenge, supports leadership, teamwork and community, and offers recreation and leisure to support wellbeing. This video shows some of the activities on offer at UWCSEA East.

Posted 21 November 2022