Activities Content

Please and Thank you

27 April 2023

Before the week is over, let's talk about a topic we don't always think about. You. You are important to someone and you are needed by someone. Everyone says they know this but not everyone feels it. That why it is essential that everyone has this one skill. Kindness. Knowing it and doing it are two very different things. The difference between these two is whats known as courage. Being kind isn't easy. And many times people are kind to make themselves feel better. But you know what, that's alright. Fake it til you make it, you know. Just because you feel better doesn't mean someone else feels worse.

It could be the uncles and aunties serving you food or the bus driver, "please and thank you", goes a long way.

Grade 12 2023

17 April 2023

As we approach the end of the school year, it's always bittersweet to say goodbye to our graduating athletes. These students have poured their hearts and souls into our sports program, giving their all on the field, court, and track. They've shown us what it means to work hard, be dedicated, and strive for greatness.

But now, as they move on to new chapters in their lives, we want to take a moment to thank them for all they've done for our school's sports program. Thank you for the early morning practices, the late night games, and the countless hours of training that have led us to success. Thank you for being role models to our younger athletes, showing them what it means to be part of a team and to never give up.

To our graduating athletes: You will always hold a special place in our hearts and we'll miss you dearly. Congratulations on all your accomplishments and best of luck in your bright futures!

M:A HAP .mp4

Holiday Activities Programme (March/ April 2023)

10 April 2023

Welcome back dragons from the short break! We hope you had a great time and are ready to continue the semester. Don't forget to stay engaged with all the events and activities that took place on campus, video on the left. And as the weather starts to warm up, make sure to stay hydrated and cool with some frozen yogurt!