It takes ten thousand hours to truly master anything. Time spent leads to experience; experience leads to proficiency; and the more proficient you are, the more valuable you'll be. ~ Malcolm Gladwell 

The student teaching evidence collection process is organized around the four formal observations during the semester. During the semester, the university supervisor will evaluate the student teacher’s performance and provides feedback to reinforce the student teacher’s strengths and address selected areas for professional growth. While formative assessments and feedback occur before the end of the student teacher’s placement(s), it is during the solo week(s) that the student teacher performance on each of the components of the Kentucky Framework for Teaching is summatively evaluated to determine the final grade. 

Sources of Evidence E-Portfolio Using a Google Site

In the Student Teaching process, there are Sources of Evidence that are specifically designed to provide the student teacher with the opportunity to demonstrate  performance of the Kentucky Framework for Teaching components that are aligned with the Kentucky Teacher Standards, specifically Domains 1 and 4. 

The templates below should be used, unless the mentor teacher or supervising teacher adapt otherwise. It should be noted that some Sources of Evidence will require the student teachers to provide evidence/artifacts on their teaching, such as copies of assessments. For this reason, it is essential that the student teacher read the directions for each template carefully. In addition, the mentor teacher and university supervisor may require additional documentation for one or more of the Sources of Evidence be provided by the student teacher.

The Sources of Evidence are listed below. Student teachers should keep the Google Site updated so the University Supervisor can access before each of the four formal observations.  This will be shared electronically.  The student teacher will create a Google Site to track the following areas. 

Sources of Evidence:

Student Teachers should show progress throughout the placement in these areas. University Supervisors will use this evidence to score Domains 1 and 4 of KY Framework for Teaching

Example 1

Example 2 

Example 3

Professional Growth Plan visual of the Process


(Note, the following examples do not use the newly revised Lesson Plan for Fall 2024 which is hyperlinked above. However, only a few areas were revised so it does give you an overview.)

Lesson Plan Example Grade 1  

Lesson Plan Example Grade 2

Lesson Plan Example Grade 8

Lesson Plan Example Grade 11

Example 1

Example 2

Example 1

Example 2

All of these documents will all be shared prior to the formal observations or will occur at final grading. It is important that the supervisor use the Sources of Evidence documentation to score Domain 1 and Domain 4. 

This Disposition information will help determine a final grade for both mid-term and/or final evaluations. The Disposition data will be submitted in Anthology Portfolio account by the University Supervisor.

Student Teachers use these directions linked here to organize their evidence in a Google Site.

EXAMPLE of a digital site to collect Sources of Evidence 

IMPORTANT! (Attention to Detail is a strong sign of a good teacher!)