Alumnus Spotlight:

Dr. Harold Sarmiento

Dr. Harold Sarmiento

Harold Sarmiento

Class of 2022 Alumnus, Harold Sarmiento, has been invited by the American Academy of HIV Medicine to participate in the National PrEP task force. 

The American Academy of HIV Medicine (AAHIVM) is the nation’s leading independent organization of healthcare professionals dedicated to providing excellence in HIV care and prevention. 

The AAHIVM members are composed of practitioners and credentialed providers that manage the health of most people with and at risk for HIV in the United States.


Harold Cruz Sarmiento is an Infectious Disease Nurse Practitioner (NP), a credentialed HIV Specialist by the AAHIVM, and an NP Board Member of the AAHIVM. He has been chosen to be one of the providers

across the country to be part of the Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Task Force. Sarmiento will be flying to Washington, DC, in January 2022 and joining the team to develop new guidelines and recommendations for improving access and retention in PrEP care. The AAHIVM will then formulate these recommendations into a document for review and publication. 


Harold (he/him/his) is board certified Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner. He received his MSN, AGPCNP degree from UCLA in 2016. He is currently working in an HIV clinic at Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center. He is also pursuing his Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree and is a second-year doctoral student at UCLA. His DNP project focuses on educating primary care providers (PCPs) such as physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners on PrEP, not only to improve PCP's knowledge but also so that they can adapt and implement PrEP in their clinical practice. This will make access to PrEP easier to at-risk patients and will help in the goal of ending the HIV epidemic.

"As a gay man myself and as a healthcare provider for the LGBTQ population, it breaks my heart to see how my community is disproportionately affected by HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), even up to these days. Working in this specialty also opened my eyes to the disparities in our healthcare system and society- lack of compassionate, culturally sensitive, and competent healthcare providers, stigma and discrimination, mental health and substance abuse, financial, cultural, and language barriers. Despite these challenges, I enjoy working with my people and making a difference in my community.” 

Harold Sarmiento,  DNP Class of 2022

Click here to see Dr. Sarmiento's DNP Scholarly Project page.

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