Seniors 10/4

Grade: 12

Topic: Financial Aid Process (FAFSA)

Objective: Students will review the Financial Aid Process.

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors Standard (s); M 4: Understanding that postsecondary education and life-long learning are necessary for long-term career success; Iowa College and Career Readiness: Students have set goals for school, career, and post-secondary opportunities and are knowledgeable about a wide variety of pathways and requirements to achieve these goals.


  • FAFSA Slideshow (below)


1. Remind students they can begin completing their FAFSA for the 2022-23 school year anytime after October 1st.

2. Share with your parents that PHS will be hosting a FAFSA Ready event on November 9th from 3:00 p.m.- 7:00p.m. (more details in slide show) - - where you can get help to fill out your Financial Aid form.