Week 10- Unit 2:

Lesson 9- Introducing Emotion Management


Lesson 9: Introducing Emotion Management

Why This Lesson Matters

People have strong brain and body responses to interpersonal conflicts and other stressors. These responses can include strong emotions that arise quickly and can cause conflicts to escalate. When emotions are intense, it is hard to think straight and make good decisions. Students may struggle to make good choices when they experience intense feelings such as anger, sadness, jealousy, anxiety, or even happiness.

This lesson helps students demystify what happens inside them when they experience strong emotions, and lays the groundwork for learning skills to manage the brain’s and body’s reactions to intense stress and conflict.


Students will be able to:

  • Describe what happens in their brains and bodies when they experience strong emotions

  • Identify a personal signal

  • Identify and name strong feelings

Lesson Concepts

When you have strong, unmanaged emotions, it can lead to negative behavior and consequences.

Unit 2, Lesson 9 (5th grade).webm